Woman! Women Today...
Many will not like this, but the objective is to make you think and then hopefully start a new trend.
Women are strong, we are beautiful, we are the water to the Earth. We have nurtured, fed and carried every single person that exists. Who else can say that?
I’m not liking what I’ve being viewing on these apps. Sometimes I feel as if what we are showing the world on these apps are hurting us more than helping us. In the music industry and on these social apps we are presenting ourselves as objects to be desired and not people to be loved. Of course, not all of us… but many.
There is a difference between being objectified and personified.
Not too many years ago women fought hard not to be seen as sex objects only. We wanted to be known for our art, intelligence and skills. We were tired of being seen as just T&A in the workplace and all other places. We weren’t being paid equally and socially men viewed us as objects to fulfill their desires. That’s where the old-fashioned saying of don’t have sex on the first date! We basically had to force men to see as people beyond our bodies. Although as women, we are the sexiest, there is so much more to us.
We work, raise families, balance household budgets and make things happen. A lot of times by ourselves. These are testaments to our strength and love.
Nowadays a drastic turn has happened. Everywhere you look women are showing more body parts for likes, shares and sells. When I see clips of women rappers, I don’t even know what the song is because all I can see is a**!!
I observe too many women encouraging others to view men not as providers, but as sponsors. Then complain that men don’t protect and provide. A sponsor will only pay for whatever services you can give. No one (man or woman) protects what they don’t respect. Be intentional in what you desire. Did you manifest a man to love, protect and bring you peace? Or just a rich man to give you materialistic things? All that glitters is not gold.
I see young women adding to their body parts not knowing, that weight is coming, sis! Just give it a few years. I see women changing their entire look with wigs, weave, and make-up, some becoming an entirely different complexion! Then I see the complaints about colorism from some of these same women! How can you break a cycle that you are perpetuating?
Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with make-up or protective styles. Let it enhance your natural beauty not give you an entirely different look. You are beautiful, WOMAN!
When I see women in their natural elements, I see so much beauty. I just wish they would see the same. When you hydrate the earth, you don’t need extra body parts, ever! Keep the fillers, eyelashes and hair that destroy your natural beauty to a minimum. You might not get as many likes, but you definitely will get plenty of love that comes from a real place.
Let’s make natural beauty a trend and embrace everything that is WOMAN! We are one of a kind!
It's All Love
C. D. Blue